assalamualaikum sume..hrini tetibe ak terajin nk buat tag ni...ak telah di tag oley
aunty gak mrupkn first tag yg ak buat..sbb sblom ni kwn ak ak wat bodo gamaknye..nnti klu ak rjin ak pi la carik balik tag tu n wat..haha..ok..
rules and regulation:
put ur library music on shuffle. for each question, press the next button for the next answer.
setelah di translate kan : bukak la ko punye mp3 ke apa ke, asalkan ada lagu, then start looking at the questions. untuk setiap soalan, ko tekan "next", so that untuk setiap soalan lagu dia berubah la gitu. make sure to make it in mode shuffle. supaya lagu tu jadi randomly pick lah macam tu. ok?
you must write that song title as the answer for the question, no matter how silly it sounds. ok dah paham kan? mari kita mulakan!
1. if someone say "is this okay", you say?
the day you went away - M2M
2. how would you describe yourself?
suara hati - ungu
*klu korg ley dgr la sore hti ak.haha
3. what do you like in a guy/girl?
ukiran jiwa - awie
*jiwa kne kental beb
4. what is your life purpose?
waiting for the end to come - linkin' park
5. what's your motto?
juwita - iklim
*xmsok akal
6. what do your friends think of you?
bukan niatku - iklim
7. how do you feel today?
bukanku x cinta - iklim
*ad kne mgena k?...ahaha
8. what do you think of your parents?
mahligai syahdu - iklim
*betol tu...mmg syahdu...huhuhu
9. what do you think about very often?
tempat terindah - ungu
*kt mne tmpat terindah eh??
10. what is 2+2?
need u now - lady antebellum
11. what do you think of your best friends?
*hakikat sebuah cinta - iklim
12. what do you think of the person you like?
dengan nafasmu - ungu
*wt pe dok pk sal nfas dier,,hek3
13. what is your life story?
sepi gelisah - ungu
*ader gak la..kdg2 trase gak cmni
14. what do you want to be when you grow up?
kekasih gelapku - ungu
*hahaha..x mo la
15. what do you think of when you see the person you like?
satu kesan abadi - iklim
*xley lpe kotttt..hahaha
16. what will you dance at your wedding?
look what u have done - jet
17. what will they play at your funeral?
di antara kalian - d'Masiv
18. what is your biggest fear?
jeritan batinku - azlan & the typewriter
*bahaya tuh
19. what is your biggest secret?
yang terlewatkan - sheila on7
*da tlewat utk tnye...hak3
20. what will you post this as?
bunga emas - iklim
okeyyy..siap da...haha..sng gler jwb tag ni..xya nk pk2..heehehe..
mnusia2 btuah utk jwb tag ni..ialah :-